Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee

Museum regulations

Rules of art

You are welcome to take photographs in the exhibitions for private use only. Please do not use a flashlight! Tripods, monopods and selfie sticks are not allowed. Permission is required for photography and film footage carried out for commercial or research purposes. You must contact beforehand the public relations department ().

Please maintain a distance of at least 50 cm to the exhibits at all times; touching is not allowed.

Drinks and snacks are not to be consumed in the exhibition area.

Please be considerate towards your fellow visitors and do not make or receive phone calls in the exhibition.

Smoking is forbidden in the entire building.


Please deposit all luggage items larger than 21 x 30 x 10 cm as well as umbrellas in the cloakroom or checkroom.

Please leave any clothing items you are not wearing in the cloakroom; it is not permitted to carry clothing over your arm in the exhibition area.

Of course prams and walking aids are permitted. You are welcome to use one of our wheelchairs if required. If there are a lot of prams in the exhibition at one time, we kindly ask you to wait for a moment or to leave the pram outside the exhibition space.

Our security staff will be only too glad to advise and help you.

Guide and therapy dogs are welcome at the museum.

Groups and Classes

We are delighted when you visit us with a group or with a school class. As a teacher or group leader you are responsible for your group or school class.

Guided tours organized privately and not through the museum are allowed. However, permission is required and can be obtained at the sales desk.

Under the supervision of our staff you are welcome to use coloured pencils. However, felt tips and water colours are not allowed for security reasons.

We can happily supply you with folding chairs if you wish.


We are delighted when you visit our exhibitions with your children!

Welcome to our children’s museum Kindermuseum Creaviva. Please ask at the sales desk for information about the current offers, programme and facilities for children.

We take it for granted that those accompanying the children will supervise them appropriately and take care of their needs, and of course ensure that the usual museum-standard security of the artworks is guaranteed.

We welcome your cooperation in explaining to the children why they should not run or romp about and in taking care that they stick to the rules.

Babys’ changing tables are available near the cloakroom.


Please do not lean on the walls and do not block doorways and emergency exits. Use the emergency exits only in cases of emergency.

Visitors are liable for any damage they cause and the resulting costs.

If visitor numbers are especially high we maintain the right to close the centre in part or completely for a while.

Our very competent staff can be trusted, so please follow their instructions.

Please hand in any lost property at the sales desk. 

We wish you a pleasurable and unforgettable visit at our museum and thank you for coming.

July 2018,
The Management, Kunstmuseum Bern – Zentrum Paul Klee