Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee
Exhibitions 10.6. – 21.8.2022

Bridget Riley: Looking and Seeing, Doing and Making

The British artist Bridget Riley is one of the most prominent representatives of post-war abstract painting. With precision, playfulness and a vigorous spirit of enquiry, her work, which has received numerous distinctions, explores the dynamics of form, colour, space, and perception. 

The exhibition focuses on the twenty-year period that followed a visit Riley made to Egypt in 1979, which had a profound effect on the development of her colour work. Riley has selected paintings from her own collection to provide vital insights into how the working process unfolds through practice. In support of this, the exhibition includes rarely shown preliminary work, drawings and studies, which reveal Bridget Riley’s day-to-day life in her studio.