Tours for disabled visitors
The Zentrum Paul Klee is open to everyone. So that also disabled persons can receive information about the different exhibitions, we offer beside Audio-guides in various languages also guided tours for disabled visitors. The tours are adapted to the requirements of the particular disabled groups. They take place within the framework of the public tours which are available for all interested visitors.
Die Infrastruktur des Zentrums ist auf die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse für Menschen mit Behinderungen angepasst. Detaillierte Informationen erhalten Sie über die direkten Links zum procap-Zugangsmonitor:
Tours for the blind and sight-impeded visitors
By means of extensive picture descriptions of selected works in our exhibitions, we make the visual arts also an experience for the blind and sight-impeded visitors. In addition pictorial reproductions in relief from Paul Klee’s works allow his art to be appreciated using the sense of touch. With the aid of all the other senses the exhibition becomes an experience also for blind and sight-impeded visitors.
Tours for deaf and hard of hearing visitors
Art communicators guide interested visitors through the exhibitions. To do this they are supported by translators for sign-language and MyLink-FM-System.