Press release New Director
Peter Fischer is New Director Zentrum Paul Klee
The board of trustees of the Zentrum Paul Klee (ZPK) appointed Peter Fischer to be the new director. He will take up his position on 14th November 2011. The 55-year old art historian, literary scholar and musicologist was born in Schaffhausen and most recently has directed the Museum of Art Lucerne which he managed with artistic and entrepreneurial success.
Peter Fischer takes over the directorship from Ursina Barandun, who has provisionally directed the ZPK since 1st January 2011 following the departure of Juri Steiner. With the appointment of Peter Fischer, the ZPK gains a personality with wide experience of directing art institutions and a large network at his disposal within the national and international art worlds.
After studies in art history, modern German literature and musicology, he was assistant director at the Swiss Institute for Art Research in Zurich and in 1995 took over as curator of the Daros Collection (Family Schmidheiny). For the last ten years Peter Fischer was director of the Museum of Art Lucerne which, due to his persistent effort and great skill, he positioned convincingly in the museum landscape of Switzerland.
Peter Fischer brings a breadth of experience in culture management, art communication as well as professor at the Lucerne University. In addition he has led the most varied development projects in the arts, for instance the introduction of a competence centre for art communication. The wide knowledge of museum operations and the management competence of Peter Fischer are a good basis for the further development of the various departments at the Zentrum Paul Klee (visual arts, music, literature and theatre) and the continuation of the centre’s ideals.
Further information from:
Peter Fischer, Director of the Zentrum Paul Klee
Ueli Sinzig, President of the Foundation Zentrum Paul Klee
Contact via:
Maria-Teresa Cano, Director Publicity and Art Communication
Tel. + 41 (0) 31 359 01 89