Gabriele Münter. Pioneer of Modern Art
As co-founder of the legendary group of artists Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider), Gabriele Münter is among the most important artists of German Expressionism, and is seen as a pioneer of modern art. In a professional world dominated by men she created an extremely diverse body of work over six decades, and developed a powerful independent pictorial language.
In the first major retrospective in Switzerland the Zentrum Paul Klee is showing not only paintings, drawings and prints but also part of her extensive photographic work, documenting her early trips to America and Tunisia and her stays in France.
The exhibition is a collaboration with the Gabriele Münter and Johannes Eichner Foundation and the Städtische Galerie in the Lenbachhaus and Kunstbau Munich.
The exhibition will be shown in a modified form at the Museo Thyssen-Bornesmisza, Madrid in the summer of 2023.