Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee
01.07.2006 – 27.08.2006

Upsetting the Balance Contemporary Art at the Zentrum Paul Klee

Inspired by Paul Klee’s interdisciplinary way of thinking the Zentrum Paul Klee is venturing forward.A selection of specific works by contemporary artists is to be contrasted with views and positions adopted by Paul Klee.

The first project focuses on the aspects of balance and equilibrium – and the upsetting thereof. «Balance and equilibrium» is a central theme of Paul Klee’s theory of art and a key aspect of his work. In his notes on the Theory of Pictorial Form [Beiträge zur bildnerischen Formlehre] Klee wrote that «the sense of the vertical is very much alive inside us; it stops us from falling […]. There are particular instances where we extend the horizontal, like a tightrope artist with his balancing pole». He expanded his theory to the mind and the sensitive perception of forces.

Ten to fifteen artistic positions relating to the theme of gravity and balance – and to upsetting it – are to be situated in a spatial context. The universe created as a result will explore the rules of gravity and the equilibrium of the mind.

A publication by the Snoeck Verlag is to coincide with the exhibition.