Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee
Fr 26.06.2020

Digitorial® The Zentrum Paul Klee’s new digital offer

Paul Klee loved travelling. Like many modern artists he sought out encounters with the exotic, the foreign and the archetypal as a counter-world to the familiar one. He then processed his impressions in his work. Five of the artist’s most important journeys can now be experienced directly online. For its 15th anniversary the Zentrum Paul Klee is launching its first Digitorial® on the exhibition Mapping Klee, which will be held from the autumn (05.09.20 – 24.01.21). A Digitorial® is a digital information programme that opens up new paths for art education and story-telling via combination of picture, text and sound.

Contact for interviews, images and further information:

Maria-Teresa Cano
Head of Communication and Public Relations, Kunstmuseum Bern – Zentrum Paul Klee
, Tel.: +41 (0)31 328 09 44