Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee
We 18.01.2017

Should all be known? Paul Klee. Poet and Thinker

“Should all be known? oh, I think not!” – Sollte alles denn gewusst sein? ach, ich glaube nein!, wrote Paul Klee on one of his very last works. “Paul Klee. Poet and Thinker” takes a fresh look at Klee, the painter who was also a poet, word acrobat, philosopher – and much more besides. At the heart of the exhibition stands Klee’s personal library to provide visitors with tangible, visible and readable evidence of the artist’s passion for literature and philosophy. Complemented by a series of fringe and educational events, the exhibition also highlights the impact of Klee’s work on thinkers and philosophers such as Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno and Michel Foucault.

Contact for interviews, images and further information:

Maria-Teresa Cano, Head of Communication and Public Relations Kunstmuseum Bern – Zentrum Paul Klee 
mariateresa.cano@kmbzpk.ch, T +41 31 359 01 89