Master Klee! Teacher at the Bauhaus
The Bauhaus was founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius as a practical school for aspiring designers. The training was structured into a theory course on Formative Creation and a practical apprenticeship, in which the focus was on the design of objects and furniture as well as architecture.
Paul Klee was active at the Bauhaus as a lecturer – called master – between 1921 and 1931 beside Wassily Kandinsky, Lothar Schreyer or Oskar Schlemmer. During this time Klee wrote lecture notes on Pictorial Formation and made around 3’900 pages of teaching notes, which he described in its entirety as Teaching Notes on Pictorial Creation. He did not teach emerging artists, but as he said himself ”creators, working practitioners”. Like Walter Gropius he was convinced that art itself cannot be taught, but can only arise through intuition. The aim of his teaching was to convey to the students the fundamental principles of pictorial creation.
The exhibition Master Klee! is organised in accordance with the 24 chapters of Klee’s teaching. For each chapter a selection of the notes is displayed. Klee’s attitude is, that it is not the final form that is important, but the path to its achievement, which runs as a dominant idea through his teaching. He constantly emphasised that a form does not exist, but becomes. Therefore he researched its interior and its formation. Using existing growth phenomena in nature he illustrated particularly at the start of his teaching activity the forming of abstract constructions.
Klee’s lecture notes are not sketches of his works. He
developed the teaching on the basis of his thoughts about his own artistic
activity. Nevertheless his work and his teaching are two independent areas
which occasionally come into contact with one another. So in some of his works
Klee applied playfully the design processes he was teaching.
Five aspects are of great significance both in Klee’s
work as well as in his teaching: Nature, colour, rhythm, movement and
construction. A selection of works shows, that Klee was occupied with these
themes already before, during and after his activity at the Bauhaus.
The exhibition marks the conclusion of a four-year research project. With the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF and the Paul-Klee Foundation of the Civic Community of Berne Klee’s Teaching Notes on Pictorial Creation could be revised and published in an Online-Data Base
Freitag 10. August 2012, 18 Uhr
Peter Fischer
Direktor Zentrum Paul Klee
Prof. Dr. Oskar Bätschmann
Dr. Fabienne Eggelhöfer
Dr. Marianne Keller
Musikalisches Intermezzo
«Hot-Sonate» (1930) von Erwin Schulhoff (1894–1942) für Altsaxophon und Klavier
Christian Roellinger, Altsaxophon / James Alexander, Klavier
Sie und Ihre Freunde sind herzlich eingeladen!
Begleitprogramm zur Ausstellung
Interaktive Ausstellung
10. August – 15.Oktober 2012
Kindermuseum Creaviva
Mit interaktiven Installationen wirft das Kindermuseum Creaviva vor dem Hintergrund der Ausstellung Meister Klee! Lehrer am Bauhaus einen Blick auf Paul Klee als Meister der Farbsprache, der Formgebung, der Linienführung und der Kunst, nicht nur Stifte und Pinsel zu bewegen, sondern auch Gedanken, Ansichten, Einsichten und Gefühle.
Herzlich willkommen!
Ab 4 Jahren | Eintritt frei
Einführung für Lehrpersonen
Mittwoch, 15. August 2012, 16–17 Uhr
Einführung in die Ausstellung Meister Klee! Lehrer am Bauhaus für Lehrpersonen mit Tipps für den Besuch mit der Schulklasse
Gratis | Ohne Anmeldung
Gespräch «Die Bauhäusler»
Sonntag, 4. November, 11 Uhr
Dr. Fabienne Eggelhöfer (Kuratorin ZPK) im Gespräch mit Jakob Bill, Prof. Klaus Itten und Alexander Klee (Nachkommen der Bauhauslehrer)
Familienmorgen «Abfahrt der Schiffe»
Sonntag, 25. November, 10.30–12 Uhr
Ein geführter gemeinsamer Ausstellungsbesuch, der die Kleinen zur anschliessenden kreativen Arbeit im Kindermuseum Creaviva anregt, während die Grossen die Führung fortsetzen.
CHF 10 pro Familie + Ausstellungseintritt | Ab 4 Jahren | Anmeldung: Tel. 031 359 01 61 oder
Wissenschaftliches Symposium «Die Entdeckung der Farbe: Johannes Itten, Paul Klee und Otto Nebel»
Freitag, 30. November, 10–18 Uhr, Kunstmuseum Bern
Eine Kooperation des Kunstmuseum Bern und des Zentrum Paul Klee
Weitere Informationen:
«Wie werde ich Komponist?»
Freitag, 4. Januar 2013
Dieser Frage gehen der Berner Komponist Jürg Wyttenbach und die Musiker/innen des Ensemble Paul Klee in einem Workshop für die ganze Familie nach.