Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee

Archive at Zentrum Paul Klee

Scientific Archive The Zentrum Paul Klee is the central research institution for the life, work and historical effect of Paul Klee.

The archive of the Zentrum Paul Klee comprises both a collection of original documents as well as extensive scientific documentation. It is the collection, research and information centre in one and is available to answer all questions from both experts and amateurs relevant to Paul Klee and provides information and work materials. All archive departments in the Zentrum Paul Klee are continuously updated and expanded.

Original biographical documentation

The legacy of Paul Klee contains besides original manuscripts such as the diaries, the handwritten Œuvre Catalogue and the pedagogic legacy with the teaching notes from his lectures at the Bauhaus (about 3000 pages), the original library of Paul and Lily Klee, a large part of their correspondence with the family, friends, acquaintances, art dealers and museums, personal documents, biographical photographs as well as remnants from his studios with colours, painting tools and other utensils.

Specialised scientific library

The library assembles all publications, which have ever appeared on Paul Klee, from the first mentions of the young artist around 1900 up to the latest publications and monographs. Also here are all the catalogues compiled from exhibitions in which Klee participated. In a press documentation all the newspaper reports and reviews are compiled on the approximately 600 single and group exhibitions which took place during Klee’s life time. As a complement to this, all the reviews of exhibitions and publications up to the present have been collected.

Work data base

In a comprehensive data base, all Paul Klee’s works and documents have been recorded together with the most important basic information and reproduced. Through cross-referencing with the publications, the data base offers a basis for specific research into the work of Paul Klee. Recent literature, discoveries and changes in location are continuously updated, so that the data base represents the most recent version of the published nine volume index of works «Catalogue raisonné Paul Klee».

Special documentation

The archive also contains documentation, dealing with a special aspect of Paul Klee‘s life, work or also posthumous documentation:

The musical archive collects works by modern composers since 1930, who have written works relating to Paul Klee: From the almost 260 compositions there are scores or recordings available, amongst them from Boulez, Globokar, Penderecki, Poulenc or Tan Dun.

The student archive consists of a data base of Klee’s students. In addition here the correspondence and photographs of his private students as well as original drawings and notes taken during Klee‘s courses at the Bauhaus and at the Düsseldorf Academy of Art are collected. The student archive represents the counterpart to Klee‘s pedagogic legacy and shows the effect of his teaching.

The Media Archive comprises television, film and radio productions about Paul Klee, his personal and artistic environment. 

The Reception Archive of Klee’s effect historically registers Klee’s influence and the further treatment of his works. Included are for instance products taken from advertisements and design, literary works or videos and photographs from the internet. A documentation of artists inspired by Klee is being assembled.

Making appointments

To pay a visit to our archive it is necessary to make an appointment in advance. Please arrange a date by E-Mail: