From Japonism to Zen. Paul Klee and the Far East
Paul Klee’s engagement with the art of the Far East, which inspired him throughout the whole of his life, has gone relatively unexamined until now. The exhibition is attempting for the first time to give an overview of Klee’s preoccupation with East Asian art.
Beyond the context of narrow, ‘classical’ Japonism, the significance of ink painting, calligraphy and even Zen Buddhism for Klee’s art can be understood. At the same time, and as a kind of counterpoint, particular attention is paid to Klee’s reception in contemporary Japan.
Paul Klee and ‘classical’ Japonism
was a fashion phenomenon in the second half of the 19th century. This applies
particularly to France, where artists of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism,
as well as the Nabis group, were particularly strongly influenced by it.
So-called ‘classical’ Japonism reached Germany some 20 or 30 years later,
although it was not as vigorous a presence as it had been in France. Klee was
starting his artistic career just as young artists in Germany were gradually
discovering their Japanese sources. Against this background, between 1900 and
1908, he created a number of works in which the influences of Japanese woodcuts
(Ukiyo-e) are apparent.
Klee’s painterly transposition of Chinese poems
In 1916 Klee made a cycle of
‘writing pictures’, six watercolours in which he illustrated poems from the
volume Chinese Poetry from the 12th
Century BC to the Present Day. The book had been given to Paul and Lily
Klee for Christmas in 1909 by Alexander and Zina Eliasberg, who were close
friends with the Klees at the time. It was only seven years later, during the
First World War, that Klee’s interest in China grew as an imaginary setting for
escape and projection for his artistic work.
Ink painting
Between 1910 and 1914 Klee
turned his attention to East Asian ink painting. In the watercolours of those
years he referred to certain motifs that he had seen in Far Eastern paintings,
and used a technique comparable to ink painting. In 1910 he described this in
his diary in the following terms: “Watercolours wet in wet on water-sprinkled
paper. Quick nervous work with a particular sound whose parts are sprayed over
the whole.”
Kabuki theatre
Kabuki is the traditional
flamboyant Japanese theatre of the Edo period (1603–1867). Like European
Baroque opera, Kabuki theatre is a mélange of many different arts, featuring
dance, music, costumes and drama. Kabuki actors were chiefly popularised
through their portrait woodcuts, which often depicted the stars in pairs.
In the Far East the practice
calligraphy was considered on a par with painting. Both in calligraphy and in
ink painting, the brushstrokes record a trace of the movement of the brush, and
thus faithfully reproduce the act of writing/drawing. While teaching at the Art
Academy in Düsseldorf around 1931, Paul Klee wrote of calligraphy: “On the
Chinese model, painting is not seen as a technique, a craft, but is given equal
status with calligraphy. In Chinese terms, the essence of calligraphy consists
not, for example, in the cleanness and evenness of the hand, which can easily
lead to rigidity, but in the fact that one depicts what one has to express with
the greatest possible perfection but with the smallest amount of effort.”
(Zen) Buddhism
his return to Switzerland at the end of 1933, Klee became interested in the
philosophy of Buddhism. In his ‘exile’ he read the book The Great Liberation – An Introduction to Zen Buddhism by Daisetz
Teitaro Suzuki. His cycle of drawings about the “Urchse” is a reaction to the “ten
ox pictures” illustrated in Suzuki’s book. Even during his time at the Bauhaus
in Weimar, Klee was exposed to Buddhist attitudes. The author Bruno Adler
remembered: “The students revered the master, whom they liked to call ‘Buddha’,
and so did his colleagues. Kandinsky, Feininger and Schlemmer respected him as
the supreme authority in all disputes.”
Paul Klee’s reception in contemporary Japan
The history of the reception of Paul Klee’s art in
Japan began as early as 1913 with a newspaper report on the exhibition First German Autumn Salon in the Sturm
Gallery in Berlin. Before the Second World War, Klee was seen in Japan as a
cultural intermediary between the Japanese tradition and the modern art of the
West. Thanks to tireless work by Japanese authors, art collectors and artists,
Klee was re-evaluated in the post-war era and attained great fame.
The representatives of different areas of art – music, poetry, literature, architecture, comics, visual arts – continue to engage with Klee’s work. His artistic attitude, his aesthetic and his thought have given some protagonists from different artistic fields important impulses for their own creative activity. The examples presented in the exhibition make it clear that Klee’s multi-faceted art work addresses artists beyond individual artistic genres. Klee is just as popular today with a broad Japanese public that feels directly addressed by Klee’s aesthetic. Whether it is Klee’s proximity to the Japanese tradition or his autonomous position in western art that is responsible for this fascination cannot be unambiguously answered.