Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee


Exhibitions 29.3.– 4.8.2024

Sarah Morris. All Systems Fail

All Systems Fail is the most comprehensive retrospective to date of the American artist Sarah Morris (b. 1967). The exhibition features over a hundred artworks – including paintings, drawings, film posters, sculpture and immersive film installations – which foreground thirty years of the artist’s groundbreaking work

Exhibitions 27.1. – 26.5.2024

Kosmos Klee. The Collection FOKUS: Hamed Abdalla (1917–1985)

The permanent exhibition Kosmos Klee. The Collection offers visitors a chronological survey of Klee’s artistic career and presents some seventy works as well as biographical material and items from the archive that are regularly changed.
In this context of the new permanent exhibition we are devoting one FOKUS room to smaller exhibitions with a thematic reference to Paul Klee and his work.

Exhibitions Seit 23. Juni 2016

Lang/Baumann Module #4

In the southern part of the museum there is a room with windows on three sides. Here, a permanent sculptural installation was realized: a fragmented structure composed of numerous blocks of different size and color loosely stacked in a low, drawn out pile in the center of the room with a second, similarly stacked group hung from the ceiling overhead. This ensemble constitutes a strong color space.
