Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee
Tu 11.04.2017

The Revolution is Dead. Long live the Revolution! From Malevich to Judd, from Deineka to Bartana

A collaboration between the Kunstmuseum Bern and the Zentrum Paul Klee April
13 – July 9, 2017

Big show in Bern: On the occasion of the October Revolution centenary, the Zentrum Paul Klee and the Kunstmuseum Bern are dedicating their joint exhibition «The Revolution is Dead. Long live the Revolution! From Malevich to Judd, from Deineka to Bartana» to this epoch-making event. The comprehensive exhibition offers unique insights into the history of revolutionary art and inquires into the repercussions and ramifications thereof through to the present. The two Bern museums are pursuing two diverging art-historical traditions, that are irrevocably entwined with the Russian Revolution and which left their stamp on twentieth-century art in a radical way – the Russian avant-garde and socialist realism.

“black 2 - black in squares”

Black is not just black – even although black does have, in its profound beauty and aloofness, something of the consummate about it. The Kindermuseum Creaviva (Children’s Museum Creaviva) has chosen the least colorful of colors as the inspiration for a small sequence of interactive stations that, for audiences of all generations, playfully interlink the Studio and the ZPK exhibition for the Russian Revolution centenary.

Contact for interviews, images and further information:

Maria-Teresa Cano
Head of Communication and Public Relation of Kunstmuseum Bern – Zentrum Paul Klee
T +41 31 359 01 89