Free Time
Interactive exhibition
The temporary interactive exhibition with interactive stations provide an abundance of additional information and offer a fun way of transporting visitors off into the world of art at the Zentrum Paul Klee. Daily (except Mondays) 10am- 5pm.
Open studio
For one hour, you can discover new techniques and materials through your own endeavours. Every month the emphasis is on a specific technique from Paul Klee’s world of fine art or sculpting. Tuesday - Friday (12.00/14:00/16:00).
5 Franc Studio
Every Saturday and Sunday (10:00 - 16:30), the Creaviva offers families an interesting opportunity to create an artistic object with the help of simple instructions.
Jeder Sonntagmorgen wird bei uns zum Erlebnis für die ganze Familie: Nach einem Besuch der Ausstellung im Zentrum Paul Klee nehmen Gross und Klein an einem Workshop in den Ateliers des Kindermuseum Creaviva teil.