Exhibition Beyond Laughter and Tears. Klee, Chaplin, Sonderegger
23.08.19 – 24.05.20
Cheerfulness and tragedy, play and seriousness often tip into one another in the work of Paul Klee. The starting point for this exhibition is the correspondence between Paul Klee and his friend Jacques Ernst Sonderegger – a Swiss artist and caricaturist who gave Klee important artistic suggestions. In the dialogue between the two, a shared understanding of satire as a commentary on the comedy and tragedy of existence opens up. In parallel, the exhibition shows unforgettable scenes from the films of Charlie Chaplin in surprising juxtapositions with Klee’s works.
Contact for interviews, images and further information:
Maria-Teresa Cano
Head of Communication and Press Relations Kunstmuseum Bern – Zentrum Paul Klee
press@zpk.org, T +41 (0)31
328 09 44
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