Exhibition Giant=Creation. Adolf Wölfli’s World
21.05. – 15.08.21
Adolf Wölfli (1864–1930) became a draftsman, composer and author in Waldau Mental Asylum, to which he was committed in 1895 at the age of 31 after being diagnosed with schizophrenia. Until his death there in 1930 he created a huge body of work, a universe on over 25,000 pages, which he himself described as ‘St. Adolf Giant=Creation’. His work is unique in the art of the 20th century. In the Zentrum Paul Klee Wölfli’s writings form for the first time the focus of a large-scale exhibition. The Creaviva Children’s Museum responds to its contents with the interactive exhibition Small Universe.
Contact for interviews, images and further information:
Aleksandra Zdravkovićć, Communication and public relations
press@zpk.org, T +41 (0)31 328 09 93