Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee
Tu 05.12.2017

Exhibition Klee in Wartime

06.12.17 – 03.06.18

The Zentrum Paul Klee is mounting the first comprehensive presentation to address the repercussions of World War I on Paul Klee in its new exhibition of the collection that is opening its doors in December 2017. The show zeroes in on Klee's artistic development and his life as a soldier from 1914 to 1918.
The myth dies hard that Klee, after the experiences of World War I, lived a secluded life as an artist, finding peace of mind in a mystical dream world. Klee did in fact occasionally present himself as such a daydreamer and artist. This is the point at which the Zentrum Paul Klee sets in with its new exhibition. It unfolds how Klee engaged in his art also with political and historical events and diaries as well as how his enthusiasm for experimentation in art remained unabated despite the shortage of materials and financial hardships during the war and breaks new artistic ground.

Contact for interviews, images and further information:

Maria-Teresa Cano 
Head of Communication and Public Relation of Kunstmuseum Bern – Zentrum Paul Klee
press@zpk.org, T +41 31 359 01 89