Paul Klee. Melody and Rhythm
Throughout his entire life, Paul Klee was inspired by music: he was an accomplished violinist, an enthusiastic opera and concert-lover and an acerbic music critic. For a long time he was undecided whether to become a painter or a musician. In his diary he called music his «lover», while painting was his «brush goddess reeking of oil, whom I only embrace because, well, she is my wife».
Upsetting the Balance Contemporary Art at the Zentrum Paul Klee
Inspired by Paul Klee’s interdisciplinary way of thinking the Zentrum Paul Klee is venturing forward.A selection of specific works by contemporary artists is to be contrasted with views and positions adopted by Paul Klee.
Max Beckmann. Dream of Life
The Zentrum Paul Klee begins its programme of exhibitions in 2006 with the monographic presentation Max Beckmann – Dream of Life. The exhibition, opening in the spring, is being designed and realised exclusively for Bern and the Zentrum Paul Klee. It will contain a selection of some 60 of his works, culled from the collections of well-known museums in Europe and the USA as well as from some private sources.