Preciosities and Rarities by Paul Klee
In our art storeroom there are about 4’000 works by Paul Klee, including about 150 paintings, 3’000 monochrome drawings and 550 works in colour.
Several times a year, in exhibitions with different emphases, we show a changing selection of works by Klee from our opulent treasure. In this summer exhibition we will be showing you our most valuable paintings and almost totally unknown drawings that we have never shown before.
The presentation of the paintings leads through the various phases of Klee’s work to the masterpieces from his rich and diverse late period, which is particularly well represented in our collection. The three-part film work "Galaxy Evolution Melody" by the Swiss duo Lutz & Guggisberg is embedded in this painting gallery. The two artists plumb the pictorial possibilities of banal materials and everyday objects. Their “film-paintings” are in a constant state of transformation and thus comply with Paul Klee’s demand for a dynamic, process-oriented understanding of art.
In the selection of the drawings we are concentrating on the depiction of figures and faces. Klee began his study of man early in his work, with anatomical drawings. He soon lost interest in the precise reproduction of the human body in favour of that of the faces and gestures of his fellows. He developed into a keen observer of his environment. “Went hunting in the suburban meadows, armed with an opera glass. This is the easiest way to outwit one’s models. They don’t know anything, their postures are quite unself-conscious and so are their faces.”, he noted in his diary in 1908. We don’t just connect familiar facial expressions with Klee’s portraits of beautiful and ugly, young and old, cheerful and sad people, rather they tell us whole stories.
DO | 01/08/13 | 13:00—14:00
Paul Klee ist in Bern aufgewachsen, lebte aber zahlreiche Jahre in
Deutschland und war zeit seines Lebens deutscher Staatsbürger. Eine
Führung aus Anlass des Nationalfeiertages mit dem Kunstvermittler
Dominik Imhof.
SO | 04/08/13 | 10:30—12:00
Kindermuseum Creaviva
«rostende Schiffe»
Ein gemeinsamer Ausstellungsbesuch, der die Kleinen zur anschliessenden
kreativen Arbeit im Kindermuseum Creaviva anregt, während die Grossen
die Führung fortsetzen.
CHF 10 pro Familie plus Ausstellungseintritt | Ab 4 Jahren
Anmeldung: Tel 031 359 01 61 oder
SO | 11/08/13 | 15:00—16:00
Wählen Sie alleine oder in einer kleinen Gruppe Ihr Lieblingswerk der
Ausstellung aus. Anschliessend diskutieren wir darüber und Sie erfahren
mehr zum Werk Ihrer Wahl vom Kunstvermittler Dominik Imhof.
CHF 5 plus Ausstellungseintritt