Sounding Soil World premiere of Marcus Maeder’s sound installation
20. October 2018
A collaboration between Biovision – Foundation for Ecological Development and Zentrum Paul Klee
Listen to living soil – Sounding Soil
Sounding Soil brings alive and makes audible the diversity of life beneath our feet. The sound installation will be presented to the public for the first time at the Paul Klee Centre in Bern on 20 October 2018. The art project is an inter- and trans-disciplinary research project to increase our understanding of soil ecosystems. Biovision is using the project to draw attention to the increasing threats to soil, one of our basic resources.
Contact for interviews, images and further information:
Maria-Teresa Cano, Head of
Communication and Press Relations Zentrum Paul Klee, T +41 31 328 09 44
Martin Grossenbacher, Head of Communications
Biovision, Foundation for Ecological Development
, T +41 78 740 32 50