Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee
Exhibitions 18/10/2013—30/03/2014

Paul Klee – Life and Work

Did you know that Paul Klee’s favourite drink was a glass of good red wine? He was, incidentally, also a talented cook. And do you know his idea of happiness and unhappiness? That was either working successfully or being able not to work. What do you think his unconquerable aversion might have been? Having to talk a lot. And what scared him most was the jury.

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Exhibitions 22/11/2013—23/02/2014

Between «Brücke» and «Blauer Reiter». Hanna Bekker vom Rath, a pioneer of modernism

As a courageous representative of the artists condemned as ‘degenerate’ under the Nazis, Hanna Bekker vom Rath helped to ensure that German Expressionism regained its international significance after the Second World War.

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Exhibitions 23/08—10/11/2013

Olaf Breuning – The Grid

«Unfortunately I can’t paint», Olaf Breuning maintains with regret. At the same time – or perhaps precisely because of this – he has been experimenting for a long time with colour. He covered people with paint just as if their bodies were a canvas.

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Exhibitions 07/06—06/10/2013

Satire - Irony - Grotesque. Daumier, Ensor, Feininger, Klee, Kubin

The exhibition takes as its theme the significance of satirical commentary and the grotesque exaggerations in the work of Klee and his contemporaries at the turn of the 20th century.

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Exhibitions 24/05—11/08/2013

Preciosities and Rarities by Paul Klee

In our art storeroom there are about 4’000 works by Paul Klee, including about 150 paintings, 3’000 monochrome drawings and 550 works in colour.

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Exhibitions 02/02—26/05/2013

Klee and Jawlensky - An Artist’s Friendship

Even the individualist Paul Klee would never have become the outstanding painter that we know today without his artist friends. In this respect his friendship with Alexej von Jawlensky was particularly significant.

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Exhibitions 19/01—12/05/2013

From Japonism to Zen. Paul Klee and the Far East

Paul Klee’s engagement with the art of the Far East, which inspired him throughout the whole of his life, has gone relatively unexamined until now. The exhibition is attempting for the first time to give an overview of Klee’s preoccupation with East Asian art.

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