Paul Klee and the Surrealists
Last Days!
This is the first comprehensive exploration of Paul Klee’s relationship with Surrealist artists in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s. Created in close co-operation with the Centre Pompidou in Paris, it assembles a large number of works by Surrealists including Max Ernst, Joan Miró, Hans Arp, Alberto Giacometti, André Masson and Salvador Dalí.
Paul Klee. I am a Painter
How did Paul Klee move from drawing to painting? In his much-quoted diary entry of 1914, ‹Colour possesses me. (...) I am a painter.›, Klee expresses a degree of pride in his personal development.
Chinese Whispers Recent Art from the Sigg und M+ Sigg Collections
Significant portions of Uli Sigg's collection will be on display in a joint exhibition by Kunstmuseum Bern and Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern, Switzerland and afterwards will travel in a reduced version to MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art in Vienna, Austria, before substantial parts of the Swiss collector’s holdings move to Hong Kong as a donation. Some 150 recent works from the Sigg and M+ Sigg Collections will be presented in Bern from 19 February until 19 June 2016 and thus reflect today’s China.
Paul Klee. Pictures in Motion
Walking and striding, dancing and gliding; water in motion, centrifugal forces and the transcendence of gravity in flight – ‹Motion is at the root of all growth›, as Paul Klee wrote in 1920.