Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee
Fr 21.08.2020

Podcast When Paul Klee tells stories: The Zentrum Paul Klee publishes the first series of podcasts on the artist’s travels

For its 15th anniversary, the Zentrum Paul Klee is for the first time issuing a series of podcasts on the exhibition Mapping Klee (05.09.20—24.01.21). On his travels, Paul Klee received crucial impulses, many of which he was able to transpose years later in his extraordinary pictorial worlds. These are experiences with a long-term effect. In relation to five selected journeys the podcast provides an insight into Klee’s artistic development from clueless student to one of the most important modern artists. Three prominent voices speak for Klee: Sebastian Koch, Carlos Leal and Edwin Thomas. The soundtrack was designed by Berlin DJ and producer Boys Noize.

Contact for interviews, images and further information:

Aleksandra Zdravković
Communications, Kunstmuseum Bern – Zentrum Paul Klee
, T +41 31 328 02 05