Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee

Interactive exhibition

The temporary interactive exhibition with interactive stations provide an abundance of additional information and offer a fun way of transporting visitors off into the world of art at the Zentrum Paul Klee. Daily (except Mondays) 10am- 5pm.

The free entry to the interactive exhibition in Creaviva in Berne invites visitors both large and small to actively participate. The individual Activity Stations have as their aim the animation of individual creativity and at the same time are relevant to the current exhibitions at the Zentrum Paul Klee. Children under 8 can visit the interactive exhibition when accompanied by an adult. In combination with the opening of each exhibition at the Zentrum Paul Klee, also a private view of the interactive exhibition for children and adults takes place in the Kindermuseum Creaviva.