Zentrum Paul Klee Bern Founded by Maurice E. and Martha Müller and the heirs of Paul Klee


28.06. - 14.10.2007

Paul Klee. Theatre here, there and everywhere

The biggest exhibition of the year at the Zentrum Paul Klee lifts the curtain on all manner of frontier crossings and diversities of perspective.

To exhibition
12.06.2007 - 18.05.2008

Collection presentation Ad Parnassum

An exhibition surrounding the masterpiece.
Michael Baumgartner, Curator Head of Collection, Exhibitions and Research

To exhibition
16.02.2007 – 13.05.2007

Oscar Wiggli. Körper – Raum – Klang

Zum 80. Geburtstag von Oscar Wiggli präsentieren das Kunstmuseum Bern und das Zentrum Paul Klee einen umfassenden Überblick über das vielfältige Schaffen des Schweizer Eisenplastikers.

To exhibition
03.02.2007 – 03.06.2007

Rémy Zaugg. My neighbour Death and perception

The Zentrum Paul Klee is to mount a temporary exhibition in commemoration of Rémy Zaugg, who died shortly after completing his commissioned work.

Michèle Zaugg-Röthlisberger, Curator

To exhibition