Workshops with tours
The Creaviva offers a great variety of workshops in our studios – for all interests and ages. The workshops join the extraordinary experience of the creative process in the studio with the inspirational visit to see the originals of Paul Klee.
The studios of Creaviva offer a wide selection of tours and art workshops for every age group and the most varied interests and intentions.
Creative Workshops for every age and the most diverse interests take place in the studios of Creaviva. The Workshops on art and creativity link the informative and inspired observation of original works by Paul Klee with the search for ideas and artistic creativity in the studio. The unique architecture by Renzo Piano and the complexity of Paul Klee’s art offer a suitable framework for Workshops in Art + Architecture. Groups in the studio examine in a sensory manner the constructed environment and the awareness of space. With «Art Enterprise» management leaders and teams from companies and administration develop their creative strengths in individually tailored events for groups with up to 150 participants. Alongside our professional art educators, also external professionals for organisational development and team-building are available.